Brother, sister, let me serve you. Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I might have the grace to let you be my servant too.
— Richard Gillard, Whangārei

 Community Projects

We are involved in various projects that invite the wider community to make themselves at home at our place - Community Space with a Spiritual Heart.

Some have been curtailed by Covid-19, but we continue to do what is possible in the changing circumstances.

Clyde Markets at St Mungo’s

These are held each year on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day - a great time for locals and holidaymakers to meet up - as well as other times of the year. Stall spaces are available for community groups and individuals and all proceeds of hiring a space - plus what is sold on the church’s own stall - go towards maintaining St Mungo’s as a facility for church and community use.

Like our Facebook page for news of market days or keep an eye on the Calendar on this website.

Community Christmas Dinner at St Enoch’s

We hold a Christmas Day Service at St Mungo’s in Clyde and at St Enoch’s in Alexandra our service is to provide a meal for those in the community who might not get to have a real Christmas celebration otherwise.

It was a sad time at the end of 2021 when we realised that Covid would not let us hold this event.

Let’s hope and pray Christmas 2022 will see the celebration return.